I deleted this post. But when Bubbe found out I had removed it, she called me out on it and proceeded to rip me up one side and down the other until I put it back. So here it is, Bubbe. Blogger is not playing nice today and I have absolutely no idea why the caps are happening. It's embarrassing, and I can't figure out how to fix it, after an hour of trying. It's not that way when I go into the edit or new post pages.

I always feel like Oliver when I have to ask someone for something. That whole nervous walk up to the Big Man In Charge, full of fear of rejection, yet wanting what I'm about to ask for so badly that the wanting outweighs the fear. And yet I feel guilty asking for more, when I have so much already.
Twitter is, well, a-twitter with tweets about BlogHer '11. BlogHer bling is making the rounds through the blogosphere and the twittersphere and every other "sphere" you can think of. And I. Wanna. Go!!! Insert petty, two year old type tantrum here. I am jealous, and I am cranky, every time I see another euphoric tweet about someone getting their ticket.
The ticket isn't the problem. Oh, no. That's the easiest part. It's getting the sponsors for the rest of it that I have the problem with. So I got to thinking: what types of things would I be a good representative for? I mean, really, if I can convince a company that I know what I'm talking about and would be a great representative, it would be that much easier to ask for sponsorship, right? Right!
So here's what I came up with:

Weebles. Remember weebles? Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down! Okay. I am a Weeble. With legs! Totally qualified to be a representative of Weebles.Uh... who makes Weebles? Do they still make Weebles?

You are indeed good to the last drop, and you make it possible for THIS momma to have perpetual 20 hour days taking care of 7 children. Without you, I'd be face planted into the floor, snoring and drooling on the carpet while the monsters take video. Thank you for sparing me the indignity. And seriously, what better representative could there BE?!?

The way I figure it, I could now copy the link to this post, and send it to all these companies, who would immediately fall in love with me and my loyalty to their brands, and offer me whatever I want. Right? That IS how it works, isn't it? What? Oh. It isn't. Well, um... then, please,sir... could you give me begging lessons?
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Lol - LOVE IT!
This awesome. If I were any of these companies, I would pick you!
LOL! Maybe Apple will give me a laptop and we can commit to doing a side-by-side comparison??? :)
they better all shower you with love! nice post.
I think Playskool brought Webbels out again, they should be glad for the mention from you.
Very funny!! Hope you get all these sponsorships!! Now, wouldn't that be a coup?
I so love how you wrote this. I hope you do get sponsored...I would love to go to blogher11, but can not financially afford it so I'm pretty much writing it off...by the time I will be able to afford it I won't be a stay at home mother anymore and probably will have neglected my blog so much for anyone to sponsor me anyway....but I hope a few of these companies choose you!! :)
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
P.S. newest follower by the way!
Wow~ awesome comments here! It's funny, because the first time I posted it, I got crickets! I have decided that I need to get the wives of major corporate CEOs as my followers. THAT would take care of the sponsorship issue! ;)
And now... my replies to YOUR replies!
Daria, Thanks! Loved YOUR blog about THIS blog, too! Check it out, y'all! http://www.mominmanagement.com/2180/how-do-bloggers-get-sponsors/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+mominmanagement%2FuZCC+%28Mom+In+Management%29
Bev, If you were any of these companies, I would be your newest best friend.
Andrea, I'm up for it if you, Apple, and Dell are!
Allison, I'm told that Weebles were at BlogHer10. *sigh*. It appears this post was a year late. Dang it.
Karen, it would indeed. Love your name. I'm partial to it. ;)
Heather, thanks for the follow! And check out myblogsparks.com. Trust me.
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