Monday, August 22, 2011

Vote for my post on Mom Blog Network

The Momma's Holy Grail

For years now, I have had a Holy Grail. That one thing that I have yearned for, lusted over, coveted when I see other women who have it. However, with each additional child, that holy grail has become less and less attainable for me. So, the other day, I had a brilliant idea! I tweeted about my holy grail. Now. Everyone knows that you can ask about darn near anything on the twitter and get answers, or links, or referred to someone who will be able to assist you in your quest. This time was no different! My beloved twitter followers came through for me as they always have. Are you dying of curiosity yet? Here's what I tweeted:
Caryn Haluska
May I vent for a minute? I will NEVER be able to wear mothers' necklace, bracelet, etc because NO ONE makes them for 7! It's my Holy Grail.

So, true to form, I had several people hook me up with links for places online that DO offer Mothers' jewelry for those of us who have more than five little monsters running around. I was so impressed, I simply HAD to share them with you!

Now. I'm not about to spoil everything and tell y'all which one is MY favorite, but I DO want y'all to tell me which site you think I should choose and why. My birthday (and my very firstest Bloggiversary!) is at the end of September, so I'm thinking I can talk the Daddy into getting me a Mothers' necklace next month.

Now. When you are pretending to be me, and choosing something fun, keep in mind that there are seven monsters, so seven potential pendants/names/pictures on a necklace or bracelet. Also, I have 3 year old twins that think my jewelry is really THEIR jewelry. Oh, AND five of my monsters are boys. They have let me know in no uncertain terms that they are NOT willing to be depicted by anything even remotely girly.

Later in the week, I'll let you know which site I chose, which item, and why. But I love love LOVE getting other opinions. Y'all have fun looking, and leave me lots of comments and thoughts. I promise I'll be reading them all!
Holy Grail image in this post by Google images

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