Recently, when she was about to reach 3,000 followers, my twitter pal, @LittleAnimation had a "fill in the speech bubble" contest. The deal was, she would draw something, and the contest would be people commenting on what they thought should be in the speech bubble. Would you believe... I WON! So here it is, in all it's glory. I received the shirt yesterday, and I LOVE it! Thanks, JC! You can view her awesome blog contest and see the illustration up close
And don't get used to seeing pics of me, people. I HATE having pictures taken of me. But the shirt... that was BUCKETS of awesome!
You do NOT go on people's blogs and write "cake" unless you have a) a ransom note made out of newspaper clippings or 2) illustrations. EPIC commenter fail..... LOL!
Still trying to perfect the cartoon pasties. (Wow - That is a sentence a never thought I'd write!)
LOL!! Hey - have you guys met my brother Micha? Such a mensch!
Please note that FM and Bubbe do NOT look alike.
You. Rock. I heart you.
So freaking awesome !!!!
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