I REALLY love when I stumble upon a book source that my monsters can't get enough of, books they demand over and over again. We have been known to love a book to death more than once at the Monster House, and I'm never upset when I have to buy a replacement. It means my children are learning, and appreciating books as much as I do.

These are some of our Barefoot Books. Beautifully made, and durable like I have never seen children's books be durable before. Who's In The Forest is the book #6 literally sleeps with every night, carries around with him, and throws around when he pitches a fit. I know, I know. It's abuse of children's literature to the worst degree, but he's 2, and I'm ok with him being attached to a book.Here's the thing, though. It's NOT falling apart, it's NOT torn or shredded or getting all soft on the corners because it's a board book. "Who's In The Forest" has lived at the Monster House since last December, and once even took a very short bath ( do NOT try this), and it's still in lovely condition. It has not warped or gone wrinkly at all.

While fussing with arrangements of the books last night so I could take pretty pictures for y'all, at one point I had books open and layered upon each other. #5 saw it and said, "Oh, Momma. It's pretty!" So although I wasn't going to include this one for your viewing pleasure originally, here it is. Let's face it.. for a small child who does not yet read, a book is only as good as it's illustrations. Barefoot Books deserves a gold medal in the Illustration Olympics.

I love that there are a variety of titles available for children of all ages. You can shop by category, by age from baby to 12+, by award winners, or best sellers. Though dear 'ol Herb The Vegetarian Dragon is not necessarily on the 5th grade reading list, I read it to a GROUP of 11 year old girls here for a sleepover one night. And when we were done? They wanted it again!
Looking for something a little different? Animated videos from Barefoot Books can be found on YouTube and story time podcasts can be found on iTunes!
I am SO PLEASED to be able to share about Barefoot Books, and you will be, too! Barefoot Books will send a book of your choice to the winner of this giveaway anywhere in the US (sorry, cannot deliver to PO boxes). You may enter in the comment section below by completing any of the tasks listed. Each task you complete will qualify as an entry. Each comment counts as a single entry. The first task is required to enter. Remember to include a way to contact you in every comment you make. Otherwise, I won't know how to tell you, if you win!Giveaway ends Friday, March 11 at midnight, MST.
Here's how you can enter~ you MUST do the first, and have the option of doing more:
- Visit Barefoot Books , and tell me what book you'd like to win!
- Like Barefoot Books on Facebook, and comment that you do
- Follow @liveBarefoot on twitter and comment that you do
- Follow this blog, and comment that you do
- Like Living with Logan on Facebook
- Follow @ihave7monsters on twitter
- Tell me what your favorite story was as a child and why
- Tweet about this giveaway, and include a link to this post ( 2 entries.. just comment with the link 2 times)
- Blog about this giveaway and include a link ( 5 entries, just comment with your link 5 times)