The Mauss family has reached their funding goal for travel, lodging, food, and other expenses for their stay in Ohio while they are receiving their service dog training for two weeks in October! The entire Monster House is elated! #4 thinks we should have a party for Deeds and his family... even though we live rather far away from each other. ( #4 is the one with the long strawberry blond braids)
Y'all... show some love to the Mauss family on their official website, facebook page, or toss 'em a tweet! This was a HUGE undertaking for them, and THEY DID IT!!! The fundraising thermometer will remain on their site, and any funds over and above those needed for their Ohio training trip will be put in Deeds' custodial fund, to be used for ongoing medical bills.
CONGRATULATIONS, y'all! You know I just love ya!

1 comment:
Thanks. We are SO EXCITED. You're help meant the world to us!
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