This has been a pretty busy week for the monster house. Oh, it started out well enough, with lots of time volunteering at the elementary school on Monday. I was feeling like I was starting to get my life back in order after the kidney stone debacle. I was showing up places on time, and could actually remember what commitments I had.. and even where I was supposed to be! And then, on Tuesday, after staying after school to help #5's teacher with some Christmas craft projects, it all fell to pieces.
#5 had been scratching at his head for about a week. Like a good, caring Momma, I had been checking his head daily, and there was never any visible reason for the itchiness. We switched shampoo. We did deep conditioning. And still he scratched. I checked for lice. I pushed fluids in case it was a sign of dehydration (hey, at this point, I was trying
anything). And still, he itched. And then, on Tuesday afternoon during the daily head check, there they were. Little white specks. And 3 bugs.
Lice. In my #5's HAIR! Oh, the horror. Oh, the drama. Oh, the bride of Frankenstein screams in my head! Oh, the itching that I'm feeling just typing about it!
So, he got a free pass to stay home from school the next day, and we got busy doing lice shampoo, tons of laundry, checking all the heads of all the other monsters, and shuddering because our brains had convinced all of us that we had bugs in our hair. But, no one else did. Until yesterday. When Logan, who had not scratched even ONCE, had 3 bugs in his hair. I discovered this while doing his beloved faux-hawk right before time to leave for school. Of course. And so we got busy doing lice shampoo, tons of laundry, checking all the heads of all the other monsters, and shuddering because our brains had convinced all of us that we had bugs in our hair, part II. But, we survived it!

So, after all that, I was relaxing last night with a book in the La -Z- Boy in the family room. The kids were all in bed, even if they weren't asleep yet. And, it was quiet. I was loving it! And then... DRAMA! The teen boys, #2 and #3, ran down the hall carrying a broken red guitar, shrieking like little girls and doing a very bizarre hop/step/dance thing. Come to find out, they had caught.... a mouse. Holy crap. Wait...
what?! A...
mouse?! Of course I simply had to do the obligatory girl things, hopping up and down and shuddering, being of absolutely no help whatsoever. Pointing toward the door and shrieking, "Throw it in the dumpster outside! Let it be a lil mouse-sicle! Throw it out! Throw it out!
NOT on the grass! In the trash bin!"
What's next? Frogs? Grasshoppers? Water turning to blood? Leprosy? Fire raining down? More shenanigans from the ex? Because I have to tell ya, I'd like to be a little more prepared, have a little warning, before anything else happens. Let my people go! Um... I may have just jinxed myself, here.
But the good news is, it's Friday! Woohoo! The start of a fun filled weekend of baking Christmas cookies with the monsters, going to a Christmas party and seeing Santa Claus (will the twinnies sit on his lap this year? Stay tuned! Story at 11...), and counting down days until Christmas. How was
your week? And what will
you be doing this weekend?
Child scratching head by, via the Google
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