Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vote for my post on Mom Blog Network

Overdosing on reality

Remember the other day, when I did the Hero of the Week? And I told you all about Dani, a special needs Momma who also has the evil cancer? Well, she's posting  about her doses of reality over on her blog today. Because I heart Dani, and respect her, I have decided that the best way I can support her is to help her voice be heard. So, my wonderful, awesome, incredible, loving, supportive addicts, CLICK HERE to extend some of your amazingness back to her. You won't be sorry. And also, if any of you have any kind of information for resources for her, please ~ I beg you~ share with her.

We are a community of parents helping each other hurdle those pesky mountains life keeps throwing at us. I have seen first hand what miracles can happen when someone extends a need. I've seen it for Deeds, and I've seen it for me. We are strong, we are fierce, we are each others' cheerleaders. Without the support of each other, where would we be? Life is too short, people.

I don't know how to help Dani best. Do you? If you don't, do you know someone who does? A wise man once told me, "Caryn, you already know the people who can help you. You just haven't asked the right one yet." Are you, or someone close to you, the person who can help my hero?

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