Gosh, BlogHer was amazing. I flew in Thursday evening, and decided to go with Lisa (aka @lovelylicious) to the People's Party to kick things off.

We had a great time partying, and got back to the hotel late. Friday morning, we decided to go to the Expo before the Special Needs Mini Conference to see what all was there. Take a look!

We attended the Mini Con, which was more incredible than I have words to express. I'm not going to go into a lot of it here quite yet, because I have it on good authority that there will be a transcribed copy of it available shortly. I'll follow up on that and let y'all know as soon as it's available.
Friday night? Sparklecorn!!

I heard rumors that the unicorn cake was made by Ace of Cakes, but I have no idea if that's true or not. At this point, having seen, heard, and met so many incridble people at BlogHer, it wouldn't surprise me in the least!
Saturday, We attended more sessions, and ... I got to meet some of the people I love from twitter!

Courtney, aka @OneBoredMommy actually came back, on her way to the San Diego Zoo, just to give me a hug and take a picture with me! I love this woman! And WOAH.... does she EVER have energy. I am in awe.Saturday, We attended more sessions, and ... I got to meet some of the people I love from twitter!

BlogHer was phenomenal.. crazy, busy..like nothing I have ever done before. Would I do it again? I'd go again TOMORROW!
Thank you to everyone, for sending me to this indescribably great conference. Next year? New York City!!!
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