Thursday, March 31, 2011

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I guess there's no avoiding it...

Earlier this month, my friend Daria ( aka Mom in Management) gave me this award. Just before Logan's allergic reactions, my good friend Gina (aka Special Happens) gave it to me, too. I've known I had it. I've known I should post something about it, because frankly, I have coveted this award since I started blogging. I don't know why. I just have.

So, as with all blog awards, there are rules. 7 things y'all don't know about me, and FIFTEEN bloggers (newly discovered) that I am linking and passing this award on to, who then have to link back to me... or something like that.. Well. I'll do what I can, but I can't promise FIFTEEN bloggers.

Here we go. 7 things y'all didn't know about me ( I think)


Nail polish makes me nuts

My favorite toothpaste is Crest

I spend $1200 a month on groceries

 I HEART UNCLE BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I care what people think about me WAY too much

I have never broken a bone (toes don't count)

Images in this post are from photobuckert, and

And now, Bloggers to link to. Yeah. Um. OK, but I don't want to hear any whining if I forget someone. These are supposed to be NEWLY discovered ones. And I don't have 15.
Ok. Y'all have fun with this....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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And so it goes.

Last night, Logan decided we didn't have enough excitement, and clearly had not been fully supporting our friendly neighborhood ambulance service. He had an extreme allergic reaction that laughed at our attempts to stop it with benadryl. In fact, we tried to stop it with benadryl more than once. We are now single handedly guaranteeing job security for the ambulance service, the ER, our pediatrician, and our pharmacy. Again.

 Being a good Mommy, I took pictures of the rash all over his face, the swollen eyes and lips, the welt on his head that looked like a goose egg from a head trauma. I called the pediatrician, because we could not give any more benadryl after two and a half doses. It was time for the dreaded twinject. Which was...... expired. Cue the ambulance. Because after all.. it's 6:30 pm and NO ONE is open that can fill a prescription or give an injection and monitor my child at that time of the night, when you live in the sticks, the pharmacy closed at 6,  and the sucky clinic that sucks (thank you Jill for that whole "sucky ________ that sucks" phrase. I love it, and have adopted it) closes at 5pm.

I don't really feel that the above picture does justice to his reaction. Let me show you what it REALLY looked like, before it also affected his extremities.
In the ambulance, he was silent. Lethargic. Wasn't responding to voice or making eye contact. We were very worried about seizures, so there were three paramedics in the back, making it impossible for me to be back there with him, too. I slowly, and methodically lost my mind in the front seat with the driver who, bless his heart, tried to keep me preoccupied by talking about the weather, the GFCF diet, and how I don't look old enough to have 7 children ( He is SUCH a liar, and is going to hell.) But, Logan's redness was fading just a little, so they decided not to do the epi injection. He didn't make a sound when they put in his IV. On a bumpy road. He was silent when they were checking him over in the hospital. He didn't object to the throat swab for the strep test. He laid there with no emotion.
Lest you think I am writing this to gain sympathy.. I assure you I am not. This is my version of therapy. I have to get it out. I can't cry in front of my twinnies or #5 because it freaks them out, and I am SUCH a wreck. Too little sleep following an ambulance transport to the ER because your child is having a life threatening experience will do that to ya.

But this morning:
And THAT, addicts... that smile? That's what makes me know we're all going to be OK. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

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Mondays are #forDeeds

Good morning, everyone! Instead of writing my own post for Deeds, I'm going to direct you to the posts his Daddy has written over on their site, Blame The Clumsiness on My Dad, and Showing More Emotion.  I love it when Daddies write for and about their kids. Go check it out, addicts! Happy Deeds Days!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

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TLC for frazzled kids

Every parent, at some point, wishes their child had come with an instruction manual. Regardless of how good we are as parents, there will always come a time when we feel helpless or inadequate in meeting the various needs of our children.

I have read countless books, blogs, and magazine articles in parenting. As well as they may have been written, I always feel as if there were something crucial I had missed, or felt berated and even more inadequate and frustrated.

A couple of weeks ago, a blogger buddy of mine recommended me for a book review.  To be completely honest, while I was more than open to the idea, I secretly thought, "Yeah. I've seen it all before."

When the book arrived, I was dubious. This was not what I was expecting; a rather slim, soft bound book that gives no indication of it's greatness and power.  But, I started reading it, and by page 17 I was hooked.  Indeed, I was SO hooked at page 17, I had to stop reading and fire off a gushy, flattering email to the authors.  Then I picked the book back up and read the whole thing. Twice. In the same day.
 TLC for frazzled kids is the most awesome user's manual for kids I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Written by Nancy Goodell and Ann Garret, two teachers with more than 30 years of teaching experience, including special education, these women really got it right!

The premise of TLC for frazzled kids is this:
 Inside the book, each chapter outlines simple, doable ways to transition from one activity to another, addresses the importance of tactile and sensory stimulation, and explains the power of the adult's presence, whether positive and beneficial or negative and ineffective.

You will read the story of Nancy's journey as a teacher with a class full of children described as "mentally retarded", how as an educator she came to realise that her students needed a different approach to learning, and how she made that happen.

As I stated to Ann and Nancy in the gushy email, I found myself nodding "yes" as I read, and at one point even shouted, "EXACTLY!" out loud. I kept reading, devouring the words and lessons, and thinking all the while that every  parent, educator, pediatric medical professional, therapist,  and child care worker should be given this book as required reading.  Copies should accompany new parents out the hospital doors, in that complimentary diaper bag full of samples and coupons.

Though the book is slim, it is chock full of strategies for both neurotypical and special needs kids, to help them learn to cope with stressors and triggers, as well as strategies for you as the adult to use to help you become more aware of silent signals and messages that a child's behaviors may be conveying.

There was never a time while I was reading that I felt preached at or talked down to. That is so very important for parents. We are not stupid.. we're just... frazzled!

Visit the frazzled kids website and read all about it, visit their blog page, and learn better ways to parent, teach, and interact with children. Really people, you should not still be here.  You should be ordering this book as fast as your internet will allow it.

TLC for kids is 100% approved by this frazzled momma. and that's approval I don't give lightly.

I was provided with a copy of this book for review. All opinions are mine. I was not paid for this review.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Happy Birthday, #1!!!

Happy Birthday, #1! May your day be everything you hope it will be, full of fun, friends, family, and happiness. We love you more than words are capable of conveying.
Animations by photobucket, of COURSE!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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The Envelope Please...

Congratulations Pictures, Images and Photos

The winner of the Ruckus Media Apps giveaway is:

Taleah said...
We'd love to win Velveteen Rabbit, Johnny Apple, Pecos Bill, Tom Thumb and Night Before!! taleah AT roknor DOT com
Animated images by photobucket, of COURSE!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Monster House news....

Ok,#1. I'm happy for you. YAY! Your first boyfriend! *gulp* That's so exciting! Yes, I like him. Yes, he's a good boy. And now... the part you knew would happen.. the embarrassing songs and pics. Because I'm the Momma and I CAN. And, because secretly, you know you like it! And because The Daddy is out of town this week and is devastated that he's missing the giggles and little smiles when you're texting "that little pipsqueak". Humor the man... he's old and feeble.
and for your further embarrassment:
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Logan has us at his beck and call


Monday, March 21, 2011

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Bubbe's posting #forDeeds!

Bubbe's rockin' her page today, posting all kinds of fun things for Deeds! Click on over and check it out. I love the picture at the end of her post. What do y'all think?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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Sunday comics

Good morning, addicts! For your viewing pleasure, here's another Sunday comic, linking up to the Sunday Special over on Special Happens. Again, I am SO not good at this nonsense, but I'd love your feedback. Even more than that, I'd love it if you'd click over to the link up and create one of your own. If *I* can do it, anyone can!

Monster House

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Sacred Family Saturday!

Yes, yes. It's Sacred Family Saturday. I will be spending the day with extended family, visiting from California. There will probably be pictures, and all kinds of fun things happening. I do, however, have something to share with you, that is TOTALLY appropriate for Sacred Family Saturday. Wanna see? Check THIS out!

*I* got to go and see Treasure Island last night. And while I was watching and recording, and on cloud nine just because I was actually there, I got to see my child's face light up like a thousand watt bulb when she found me and the Daddy in the audience. And THAT, addicts, THAT was the whole reason I went.
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Things that make me cry

Yesterday, I was looking at my planner to see what was scheduled for the Monster House this weekend. I found a note by my #4, regarding the play she is doing with Missoula Children's Theatre this week. Seriously, this whole Children's Theatre thing is the coolest thing EVER. Visit their website, and become astounded.

So.. I'm looking at my planner ( I LOVE paper planners. They keep me sane), complete with stains from the bottom of my coffee cup one day when I couldn't find a coaster. Note the very huge printing on the 18th, with a box around it.
Oh. What's that you say? This is a significantly crappy picture because I took it with my phone, and you'd like to know what it says? Of course you would. Let me help you with that.
I'm telling you, that coffee stain gives my planner such character, don't you think? Oh, yeah. I had a point to make. Right. Back to the story.  Tonight is my child's play. It is heartbreaking to me that she knows any number of things could happen that would prevent my attendance to the play she has been working so hard on. Logan could have a very bad allergic reaction. There could be a meltdown. The Daddy could get home late from work. #3 could have a flare up of his impetigo. Logan could have a fever. All of these are very real. Things having to do with  Logan have happened, nearly every time there is a special thing my precious #4 is involved in. And this makes me cry. A lot.

Last year, she was in Missoula's Pinnochio. I got to see it!!! It was wonderful.. incredible. The way these kids all practiced like mad for four days and then put on a production... Wow.
This year they are doing Treasure Island. I hope, beyond hope, that come Tuesday ( because Mondays are Deeds Days, you know), I have a gazillion and one pics and video to show you of her play. Please, please, whatever powers that be... please let me be able to see my child's play.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Ruckus Media Review

A while back, I had the pleasure of participating in a twitter party hosted by Ruckus Media.  In order to be informed and have experience with their apps, I was given 5 apps to use with Logan on our iPad. Okay, actually it's the Daddy's iPad for work, but we won't tell, right?

I was stunned. We got to play with these apps, and see what they did, but our favorite ones? Andrew Answers, Present for Milo, and The Velveteen Rabbit. I have to pause a moment here and just tell you: the illustrations of the narrated stories are absolutely beautiful. Illustrations are a big thing at the Monster House, especially for Logan.

When listening to The Velveteen Rabbit, Logan touched the screen, and said, "Look! Paper!"  You can actually see the texture of the "paper" on your iPad, that the illustrations are on. Let's be honest, Logan's attention span these days is not all that great. For him to be attentive and notice the "paper"? Very cool. The screen shots don't do it justice, but it'll give you an idea of the quality.
This story is narrated by Meryl Streep, in a lovely, British accent that immediately soothed Logan. He loved being able to "turn" the pages of the "book".

Andrew Answers was such a fun story, I had to show ALL the monsters. A brilliant way to teach letters to children, this is a silly little story, with interactive games mixed in. For the record, I couldn't park the car. I had several fatal accidents...
Andrew gets in big, BIG trouble with his teacher when he doesn't answer her questions as she thinks he should. He visits the principal, the mayor, and finally the President of the United States, who figures out that Andrew IS, in fact, answering correctly. The ending is a pleasant little surprise. But if I told you... it wouldn't be a surprise any more, would it?

A Present for Milo is charming. Lots and lots of places to tap, which made it an instant winner for Logan. Here's a quote from the website:
With more than 80 tap-interactive objects that initiate more than 125 animations just right for active young fingers and minds, this interactive exciting cat-chases-mouse story is ideal for pre-readers and young readers alike.

This one made Logan giggle, and laugh, and use fine motor skills throughout, as he figured out how to tap spots on the pictures and see what would happen. Logan is a non-seeker, so for him to initiate any kind of play was phenomenal for me to observe.I will admit that I cried about it. But, only happy tears.

Is anyone wishing they had these apps for their very own, yet? Guess what! I get to have a giveaway!! One lucky winner will get to have 5 Ruckus Media apps of their choice. How completely cool is THAT?? Here's how you can enter to win. You MUST do the first, and may do others as well for more entries:

  • Visit the Ruckus Media website, browse around, and tell me which 5 apps you would like, if you win.
  • Follow @RuckusMedia on twitter and comment that you do
  • Tweet about this giveaway, and provide the link
  • Post this giveaway on facebook, and provide the link.

 This giveaway will be open Thursday, March 17 through Thursday, March 24, ending at midnight, MST. Winner will be announced Friday, March 25 via this blog, @ihave7monsters on twitter, and Living with Logan on facebook.  The winner will then have 48 hours to contact me and provide their email address so their prize can be sent to their inbox. This giveaway is NOT limited to US residents. Prizes will be distributed directly from Ruckus Media.

The screen shots and logo in this post are the property of Ruckus Media Group, and are used here with permission.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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And the winners are....

Congratulations Pictures, Images and Photos

The winners of The Animated Woman t-shirt and 2 DVD link up #forDeeds are:
animations provided by Photobucket, or course!

In case you didn't catch it, here they are again, in print:
DVD - Many Hats Mommy - Blog
DVD - McKellipgirl - Donation
Shirt - Dysfunctional Supermom - Blog
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"Sunday" Comics

Over at Special Happens, there's a fun little link up going on that I think I'm absolutely going to love. It's called Sunday Special and it's ONLY for comics. How fun is that? Seems that Gina has gotten disgusted with the state of the Sunday comics in the paper, and thinks her followers can do a better job.  It's open until this Saturday, and I would be just pleased as anything if y'all tried your hand at it, too. I mean, seriously, if *I* can do it, you can. I can't draw convincing stick figures, for crying out loud!  And yet... behold the magnificence of my incapability.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

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A Burmashavian Tweetset #forDeeds!

Happy Deeds Days, addicts! This week we have a brand new contest and giveaway to get your creative juices flowing! I know I spent all of last week promoting March Madness for Deeds. We will be returning to our regularly scheduled programming tomorrow, though the contest will run all week. For Deeds' story, fund raising progress, to make a donation, or to contact his parents, please click here. To read about 4 Paws For Ability, the foundation through which Deeds is receiving his dog, click here. To learn about Deeds Days for bloggers, please click here.
So what's the contest? I thought you'd never ask! Let me tell you a little story. In 1925, there was a company named Burma-Vite which introduced a product called Burma-Shave.

Demand for this product was not real wonderful, so the company came up with the Burma-Shave advertising sign campaign. The result, as you may know, was phenomenal! Sales took off, and at it's peak, Burma-Shave was the second highest selling brushless shaving cream in the United States.

Here's how it worked: from 1925-1963, Burma-Shave signs appeared in every state except New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Massachusetts. Six consecutive small signs would be placed along highways, spaced so passing motorists could read them in sequence. The last sign was always the name of the product. This photo is an unusual set of only 5 signs, but you'll get the idea.
Burma Shave Pictures, Images and Photos
The signs would rhyme, and after placing a few sets of these advertisements, orders started coming in for second shipments of the shaving cream. The signs became more and more successful as an advertising approach, resulting in the production of more humorous verses, like this one:

After a while it became difficult for the company to come up with original verses. They decided to have an annual contest where people could submit entries, and get $100 for each verse used. The company received more than 50,000 entries one year and hired advertising copywriters to help them with the selection process from then on.  Why was this so successful? The company was careful to use verses that would offend no one, and was even known to show humility in their advertising:

I know you're probably thinking, "Get to the point, lady! What does Burma-Shave have to do with Deeds?!" Well, that IS the point. We're going to use this same approach to advertise for Deeds! Bubbe has dubbed this advertising "Burmashavian Tweetsets".

Here are the guidelines for contest entries, anyone may enter~ this contest is not limited to US Residents:
  • You may only use 5 lines for your verse. Each line may have no more than four words, and the 3rd and 5th  lines of the verse must rhyme. The 6th line must always be All Burmashavian Tweetsets should be submitted in the comment section below, with contact info for the author.
  • Absolutely, positively NO QUESTIONABLE CONTENT. This is for Deeds. He's a child. Let's keep everything child friendly. And, of course, no cursing. I only ask that you don't sound like Dr. Seuss. I'd consider it a personal favor.
  • Be creative! You can go through old blog posts on Deeds' website for ideas. Bobbie and Jeremy Mauss have told me they want to LAUGH when they read these entries! Need more help? Look herehere , and here to read all about  Burma-Shave, their company, their verses, and see pictures. I'm helping you cheat, here, people. You should love me.
  • All entries will be tweeted, Burma-Shave style throughout the week during the contest. You won't know when, you won't know how many times, and we won't tell who the author is until we tweet the winning verse.
  • Contest ENDS Monday, March 21 at MIDNIGHT, mountain standard time.  The winner will be announced no later than Wednesday, March 23 and will be posted here, on twitter, and our facebook page.
  • The winner will be chosen by Jeremy and Bobbie Mauss. Let's face it people, if anyone needs to laugh until they cry, Deeds' parents do. Consider it your contribution to therapy for them.
"Well, yeah, but what's in it for US?!" Oh. Did I neglect to mention the prize? Wow. That was rude of me. The prize for the winning Burmashavian Tweetset (patent pending, by Logan's Bubbe).. wait... wait... I know I have a prize here somewhere... I DO have a prize here somewhere, don't I? Oh, heck. Bubbe! Did you eat the prizes again? These people are going to start getting ugly... oh! Found it!!

Here to tell you all about the grand prize for the most creative, most humorous Burmashavian Tweetset for Deeds  is AutismSupermom , who can also be found on twitter @AutismSupermom:

"Does your blog need a facelift? AutismSupermom is offering her design services. The winner of the wittiest Burmashavian Tweetset will receive a remodel of their currently owned site. Supermom is unfortunately NOT a Super Web Host.  I know, I know. But seriously, a whole new look including personal buttons, photo touch ups, new background. The Works! So put on your creative thinking caps (we know you already wear many caps, what's one more?)"

**update** sorry folks, for not clarifying this, but yes, you MAY enter as many times as you wish.

Many thanks to the following sources of Burma-Shave info and photos

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Breaking My Own Rules

Today is Saturday. As such, at the Monster House, we reserve this day to catch up on chores and spend time together as a family. This week, however, has been different. The Daddy has been out of town since last Sunday morning, and today, Sacred Family Saturday is missing a few people. To be precise, we're missing The Daddy, #2, #3, #4, and #5. It is exceedingly weird to have only my first and last babies at home. It's also exceedingly quiet. Because of this, I'm blogging, about the monsters and the Monster House, for the first time in what seems like years.

This last week has been rough. I was actually glad so much was going on with Deeds, because I could not have written an original blog post to save my life. I avoided blogging, I was on twitter, but didn't really say much unless it was through DM, and I forgot facebook existed.  I didn't sleep hardly at all this week, and a couple of my monsters decided not to come home from school until 730 one night, after I'd already called the sheriff. And that's only the FIRST HALF of the week!

But, the Daddy will be home in a couple of hours, and the possibility of sleep is getting more realistic by the minute.

I feel the urge to "return to home" so to speak. The drama and trauma of the last few days has made me realize that there are things going on here that must be addressed. One of my monsters needs help, and I need to be his advocate. I need to move heaven and earth, if necessary, to get him what he needs. If it were Logan, I would know what to do. Sadly, it is not.
tears Pictures, Images and Photos
And so, after this really big, totally awesome, couldn't be more fun NEW giveaway that starts on Monday for Deeds, I will need to pull back. I will still blog for Deeds on Mondays, and I will still do guest posting on other blogs from time to time, and I will still blog here. But the monsters need me, and like I tell everyone.. the monsters always, ALWAYS come first. And mine are no exception.

So, though I'm not leaving bloggyland, and I'll still be found on twitter and facebook, the visits may be shorter and further between. I need y'all! I've found so much support and information, and real life experience from everyone since I began. This time, I'll need it even more. Will you still be here? <-- this is me, being needy.
photo provided by photobucket.. of course!